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2019年8月17日雅思考试答案 大陆卷 今天的考试难度十分平常。除了有同学反馈雅思阅读第二篇有点难,进而耽误 […]


2019年8月17日雅思考试答案 大陆卷



Section 1 答案不完整,欢迎大家补充

1. weather 天气

2. forest 森林

3. flowers 鲜花

4. Thorhay 姓名拼写

5. lake 湖泊

6. food 食物

7. Friday 周五

8. 27th February 2月27日

Section 2 澳大利亚旅游节日


11-16 单选

11. why did Jane choose Tuesday’s exhibition 为什么Jane选择周二的展览?

A. not many people on Tuesday 周二的人不多

12. when is the educational entertain performance held? 教育娱乐表演什么时候举办?

C. every afternoon 每天下午

13. 喜欢历史的游客来这里的原因是什么?

C. location of an old city hall building 古老的城市建筑

14. the distinctive feature for the cuisine festivals is 美食节的特征是什么

B. great musicians/a popular singer 流行音乐歌手

15. why people choose to buy tickets in the library 为什么人们选择在图书馆买票

A. cheaper one with discount 有折扣,可以更加便宜

16. the interesting part of the exhibition, they offer 展览中有趣的地方在于他们提供

B. people can have dinner inside the old train cabinet 人们可以在古老的火车车厢里吃饭

17-20 多选

17-18. what is included in the fancy ticket? 套票里包含什么

B. educational book for children 给孩子的教育书籍

E. flag 旗帜

19-20. what are the citizens, vote to the most favorite event at the festival? 市民对于节日中最受欢迎的项目的投票

A. regardless of the voting ages 无论投票年龄

D. one person can vote several times 一个人可以投好多次

Section 3 学生课堂演讲


21-24 选择

21. the tutor recommends that student should have 导师推荐学生应该

A. given credit to the originator of JIT, the US 提到JIT的创始人

22. the student regrets that he had omitted 学生后悔漏掉了

B. the introductory definition of JIT JIT的定义介绍

23. the data information found by the student is from 学生是从哪里发现的数据信息

C. a textbook 课本里

24. the tutor thinks the system may not be useful because 导师认为这一系统不一定有用,因为

C. unlikely to be accepted by the most important customers 不太可能被最重要的客户所接受

25-30 匹配题

25. speed of delivery: C. too irregular 演讲的速度太不规律

26. purpose: F. too vague 目的太过模糊

27. transition: D. too sudden 转变太突然

28. pictures: G. too loosely related 图片不是很相关

29. vocabulary: E. too technical 词汇技术性太强

30. body language: H. too unenthusiastic 肢体动作不够热情

Section 4 机器人开发与应用


31-40 填空

31. present days 现在

32. exploring new facts 探索新的现实

33. instruments measuring wind vectors and ocean surface winds 测量海面风俗的工具

34. control of the traffics 控制交通

35. tiny camera 微小的摄像头

36. surgery could be much faster and efficient 手术可以更加快速更有效率

37. it has the great computing power 拥有强大的计算能力

38. the highest sale is toys 最大的销量是玩具

39. they look like animals 他们看起来像动物

40. to organize robotic competitions 组织机器人竞赛


2019年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part1答案

2019年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part2答案







大作文:More and more parents are allowing their children to play on computers and tablets as they think that children should learn technology skills. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?


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2019年8月17日雅思考试答案 大陆卷:等您坐沙发呢!


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