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What do young people do for fun? 备考雅思口语Part three问题思路解析 […]

What do young people do for fun? 备考雅思口语Part three问题思路解析



Young people I know in China love to do some indoor activities for leisure. But, they are not kind of traditional indoor activities like doing yoga or something like that. Instead, they are fascinated by those hit TV series or music online. Sometimes, if they even feel bored about these, they would choose to play mobile phone games like Wangzherongyao, which quite popular recently among youngsters in China.

在中国,现在我知道的年轻人都喜欢把室内活动当做消遣。但是,我指的室内活动并非是传统意义上的运动比如瑜伽啊诸如此类的。他们总是喜欢对一些热播的连续剧和流行的歌曲着迷。有时候他们对这些东西也感到无聊了,就会玩一些手游比如王者荣耀之类的在中国年轻人中十分火爆的手机游戏。 :|

想知道上一个问题怎么答?点击查看》–Would people change their way of entertainment as ?


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