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剑桥雅思10 Test 2写作Task 1考官范文解析 咖啡与香蕉销量 剑10第二套卷子的雅思写作小作文题目由 […]

剑桥雅思10 Test 2写作Task 1考官范文解析 咖啡与香蕉销量



剑桥雅思10 test 1小作文题目

The tables below give information about sales of Fairtrade-labelled coffee and bananas in 1999 and 2004 in five European countries.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

剑桥雅思10 test 2小作文考官范文

The two tables contain sales data for Fairtrade coffee and bananas in 1999 and 2004, in five nations of Europe.

The first table shows low-level coffee sales increasing in all five countries, albeit to widely varying degrees. In two places sales increased by the same small amount: 1.8-2 million euros in Denmark, and 0.8-1 million in Sweden. The increment was slightly larger in Belgium, from 1-1.7 million euros. Meanwhile, in Switzerland sales doubled from 3-6 million euros. Finally, in the UK there was an enormous increase, from 1.5-20 million euros.

In the second table, it is Switzerland which stands out as buying far more Fairtrade bananas than the other four countries. Swiss sales figures jumped from 15-47 million euros across these years, while in the UK and Belgium sales only grew from 1-5.5 and from 0.6-4 million euros respectively. Sweden and Denmark showed a different pattern, with falls in banana sales from 1.8-1 and 2-0.9 million euros.

Comparing the two tables, it is clear that in 1999 Fairtrade coffee sales ranged from 0.8-3 million euros in these five countries, while banana sales also mostly clustered between 0.6 and 2 million euros, with Switzerland the outlier at a huge 15 million euros. By 2004, sales figures for both products had risen across the board, except for Sweden and Denmark which recorded drops in banana sales.

剑桥雅思10 test 1小作文考官范文解析

Task achievement

1. 数据选取方面。这篇文章涉及到了表格中的所有数据,无一遗漏。这点特别值得大家注意,哪怕是雅思小作文表格中不太重要的数据也一定要在文中中提到,哪怕只是捎带一句也好。

2. 文章最后一段对整个图表进行了全面的总结。指出1999年的时候,大部分国家的香蕉销量和咖啡销量都在特定的范围以内,而到2004年的时候除了瑞典和丹麦之外,其他均有增长。


3. 文章采取一个比较少见的角度,对表格中的数据进行了描述。即按照增长幅度的不同来分组比较。第一个主体段从增长幅度最小的丹麦和瑞典开始,到增长幅度最大的英国结束。第二个主体段从增长量最大的瑞士开始,到反而下降的瑞典和丹麦结束。

Coherence and Cohesion

1. 文章逻辑结构合理。第一段转述题目,接下来两段分别描述两个表格,最后一段进行总结。

2. 文章除了少量连接词之外(第二段meanwhile,finally),主要采用逻辑连接的方式,每一句的开头或者前半部分都是上一句中已经提到过的内容,或者与上一句相反的情况等。使得句子与句子时间自然流畅,不会有跳跃感。

Lexical Resource


Grammatical Range



contain v. 包含

albeit to 尽管

widely varying degrees 不同的幅度

increment n. 增长幅度,增长量

double v. 翻倍

enormous increase 巨大的提升

slightly larger 稍大一点

stand out 引人注目

jump from … to … 从…增长到…

across + 时间段 在…期间

cluster v. 聚集

outlier 局外人,分离者

across the board 整个表格


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剑桥雅思10 Test 2写作Task 1考官范文解析 咖啡与香蕉销量:等您坐沙发呢!


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