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剑桥雅思6Test4阅读Passage2答案解析 Do literate women make better […]

剑桥雅思6Test4阅读Passage2答案解析 Do literate women make better mothers 识字妇女会成为更好的母亲吗

剑桥雅思6阅读第四套题目第二篇文章的13道题由5道选词填空,6道YES/NO/NOT GIVEN判断,以及一道五选二的多选构成。题目难度比较贴合现在考试的水平,大家做完之后可以对照答案看看自己的正确率如何。下面是具体题目的答案解析:


雅思真题阅读词汇 剑桥雅思6 test 4 passage 2 有文化的女性是更好的母亲

剑桥雅思6Test4阅读Passage2原文翻译 Do literate women make better mothers 受过教育的妇女会成为更好的母亲吗

剑桥雅思6 Test 4 Passage 2阅读答案解析


对应原文:第3段:including a National Literacy Crusade. By 1985, about 300,000 illiterate adults from all over the country …

答案解析:依据National Literacy Crusade定位到第3段。根据空前词illiterate,我们可以确定答案为adults或能够与adults同义替换的词汇,由此确定答案为B(men and women)。


对应原文:第1段:Children in developing countries are healthier and more likely to survive past the age of five when their mothers can read and write. Experts in public health accepted this idea decades ago

答案解析:根据public health experts定位到第1段。原文中提到,那些母亲能够阅读和写作的孩子会更加健康,活过5岁的可能性也更大。即孩子健康与母亲是否识字存在关系。由此确定答案为F。


对应原文:第4段:During this period, researchers from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, the Central American Institute of Health in Nicaragua, the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua and the Costa Rican Institute of Health interviewed nearly 3,000 women

答案解析:第4段开头提到了不同国家许多大学的名称,而该研究正是由这些大学的研究人员进行的。因此确定答案为C(an international research team)。


对应原文:第2段:Most literate women learnt to read in primary school, and the fact that a woman has had an education may simply indicate her family’s wealth or that it values its children more highly. Now a long-term study carried out in Nicaragua has eliminated these factors

答案解析:根据eliminated定位到第2段的这一句。文中these factors指代前文章来自老烤鸭雅思面识字妇女家庭较为富裕,以及更加重视孩子这两个因素。而后者在题干上已经出现,因此确定答案为J(family wealth)。


对应原文:第2段:showing that teaching reading to poor adult women, who would otherwise have remained illiterate, has a direct effect on their children’s health and survival.


第19题答案:NOT GIVEN

对应原文:第4段:nearly 3,000 women, some of whom had learnt to read as children, some during the literacy crusade and some who had never learnt at all.

答案解析:文中只是提到3000名女性中既包含儿童时期就学会阅读的人,也包含在扫盲运动中学会阅读的人,还包括一直都是文盲的人。至于三组人的具体数量则没有提及,是否平均分配也无从推测,因此确定为NOT GIVEN。


对应原文:第5段:In the late 1970s, the infant mortality rate for the children of illiterate mothers was around 110 deaths per thousand live births …   For women educated in primary school, however, the infant mortality rate was significantly lower, at 80 per thousand.

答案解析:从原文中可以看出,文盲女性孩子的死亡率为千分之110,而受过小学教育的女性的孩子死亡率为千分之80,明显更低。题干中所说的approximately the same level与原文直接冲突,因此判断为NO。


对应原文:第6段:In 1985, after the National Literacy Crusade had ended, the infant mortality figures for those who remained illiterate and for those educated in primary school remained more or less unchanged.



对应原文:第6段:For those women who learnt to read through the campaign, the infant mortality rate was 84 per thousand, an impressive 21 points



对应原文:第5段:For women educated in primary school, however, the infant mortality rate was significantly lower, at 80 per thousand.

第6段:For those women who learnt to read through the campaign, the infant mortality rate was 84 per thousand


第24题答案:NOT GIVEN

对应原文:第6段:The children of the newly-literate mothers were also better nourished than those of women who could not read.

答案解析:原文中确实提到刚刚识字的女性的孩子营养比不识字的女性的孩子要好。但这并不能说明后者孩子的营养就极差(severely malnourished)。因此判断为NOT GIVEN。


对应原文:第9段:But we thought that even if we started educating girls today, we’d have to wait a generation for the pay-off. The Nicaraguan study suggests we may be able to bypass that.



对应原文:第8段:The results of the study lend support to the World Bank’s recommendation that education budgets in developing countries should be increased, not just to help their economies, but also to improve child health.


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剑桥雅思6Test4阅读Passage2答案解析 Do literate women make better mothers:等您坐沙发呢!


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