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雅思写作家庭类高分词汇总结 含例句 雅思写作中与家庭有关的题目大体可以分为两类。一类要求大家讨论新形势下家庭的 […]

雅思写作家庭类高分词汇总结 含例句


1. nuclear family

含义:核心家庭。Family group consisting of a pair of adults and their children

例句:Most households in the Western world tend to be nuclear families.

2. extended family

含义:大家庭。Larger than the nuclear family – consisting of aunts, uncles, and cousins all living nearby or in the same household.

例句:If you live with your extended family they can help to look after the children.

3. single-parent

含义:单亲。A parent, not living with a spouse or partner, who has most of the day-to-day responsibilities in raising the child or children.

例句:Some people believe that it is not good for children to grow up in a single-parent household.

4. relatives

含义:亲戚。Group of people related by blood or marriage

例句:Relatives, such as grandparents, can play an important role in helping to raise children.

5. siblings

含义:兄弟姐妹。Brothers or sisters

例句:I have three siblings – one brother and two sisters.

6. adolescent

含义:未成年。A young person who is developing into an adult

例句:Children can sometimes cause more problems for their parents when they become adolescents.

7. dependants

含义:受抚养者。Someone who depends on you for financial support, such as a child or family member who does not work

例句:My dependants will be well-looked after when I die as I have left a lot of money to them in my will.

8. authoritarian

含义:权威的。Demanding that people obey completely and refusing to allow them freedom to act as they wish

例句:His father was very authoritarian and he used to scare me quite a lot.

9. birth control/contraception

含义:计划生育。(the use of) any of various methods intended to prevent a woman becoming pregnant

例句:One of the reasons for the falling number of births in developing countries is birth control. Medical clinics often distribute free contraception.

10. birth rate

含义:出生率。The number of babies born over a given time

例句:The birth rate has been falling in many countries

11. bring up/upbringing

含义:养育。To care for a child until he or she is an adult, often giving him or her particular beliefs

例句:Children should be brought up to respect their parents.

I had a very good upbringing.

12. raise

含义:养育。To take ​care of a ​person (or an ​animal or ​plant) until they are ​completely ​grown

例句:Her parents raised her very well as she is now a very kind and considerate young woman.

13. childcare

含义:照看儿童。Care for children provided by either the government, an organization, or a person, while parents are at work or are away for another reason

例句:Cheap childcare is very important in order to allow mother’s to return to work.

14. divorce

含义:离婚。An official or legal process to end a marriage

例句:My parents divorced when I was 15.

Divorce is very common these days.

15. separation

含义:分居。An arrangement, but not necessarily done legally, by which two married people stop living together as a couple.

例句:Me and my partner are having a trial separation. Hopefully, we can sort things out.

16. child neglect

含义:忽视儿童需求。A form of child abuse where there is an ongoing failure to meet a child’s basic needs, such as being left without adequate food, clothes, shelter, medicine etc.

例句:Social services will intervene if a child has been neglected.

17. dysfunctional family

含义:失调家庭。A family where there is conflict, misbehavior, and often child neglect, resulting in poor emotional and physical health

例句:The child comes from a very dysfunctional family. The father was violent and is now in prison and the mother has a drugs problem.

18. emotional security

含义:情感安全。To feel happy and secure from having enough love, acceptance and respect

例句:The most important factor leading to a fulfilled and happy life for a child is emotional security.

19. well-adjusted

含义:适应能力强的。Reasonable and has good judgment and their behaviour is not difficult or strange

例句:A child brought up by responsible parents and provided with emotional security will grow up to be very well-adjusted.

20. formative years

含义:性格形成时期。A period of a person’s life, usually childhood, that has a big influence on the person they become and the rest of that persons life

例句:If things go wrong for someone in their formative years, it can have an impact on their adult life.

21. adoption

含义:领养。Taking on the legal responsibilities as parent of a child that is not one’s biological child

例句:If a couple can’t have a child they may decide to adopt.

22. fostering

含义:扶养,促进。Taking on the responsibilities for a child in place of the child’s natural parents but without legally adopting the child.

例句:Fostering a child can be a very fulfilling experience.

They have decided to become foster parents.

23. nurture

含义:养育。Care for and protect (someone or something) while they are growing

例句:It is the family that can provide a supportive, secure, and nurturing environment, which is crucial to the way in which a child becomes an adult.

24. overprotective parents

含义:过度保护的父母。Wishing to protect a child too much

例句:Children who have had overprotective parents do not build up a strong character to deal with the outside world on their own.

25. spoiled child

含义:被溺爱的孩子。A child who shows bad behaviour from overindulgence by their parents

例句:Children who are given everything that they demand from their parents may become very spoiled.


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