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雅思阅读真题词汇 剑桥雅思17 Test 2 Passage 1 死海古卷



剑桥雅思17Test2Passage1阅读原文翻译 The Dead Sea Scrolls 死海古卷

剑桥雅思17Test2Passage1阅读答案解析 The Dead Sea Scrolls 死海古卷


tend v. 照料

例句:For years he tended her in her painful illness. 多年来她一直受到病痛的折磨,都是他在照料。

settlement n. 定居地

例句:The shooting happened near an Israeli settlement in the Jordan Valley. 射击发生在约旦谷的以色列定居点.

shepherd n. 牧羊人

例句:The shepherds tended their flocks. 牧羊人在放羊。

cliff n. 悬崖

例句:a castle perched high on the cliffs above the river 高高耸立在临河峭壁上的城堡

companion n. 伙伴

例句:We became companions in misfortune. 我们成了患难之交。

clay n. 陶土,黏土

例句:As the wheel turned, the potter shaped and squeezed the lump of clay into a graceful shape. 随着陶轮的转动,制陶工人缓慢挤压陶泥块,塑出优美的造型。

jar n. 罐子

例句:The jar contained assorted hard candies. 这罐子里装有什锦糖.

scroll n. 卷轴

例句:Ancient scrolls were found in caves by the Dead Sea. 死海旁边的山洞里发现了古代的卷轴。

spread v. 传播

例句:The disease spreads easily. 这种疾病容易传播。

manuscript n. 手稿

例句:I read her poems in manuscript. 我读过她的诗作的手稿。

origin n. 起源

例句:The origin of the word remains obscure. 该词的来源尚不清楚。

prevailing adj. 盛行的,普遍的

例句:The prevailing view seems to be that they will find her guilty. 一般人的看法似乎认为她会被判有罪。

inhabit v. 居住于

例句:The valley is inhabited by the Dani tribe. 山谷里居住着达尼部落。

version n. 版本

例句:There are two versions of the game, a long one and a short one. 这游戏有两个版本,一长一短。

siege n. 围困,包围

例句:The siege was finally lifted after six months. 六个月后封锁最终解除了。

preserve v. 保存

例句:This vase has been preserved intact. 这个花瓶保存得完好无损。

intriguing adj. 吸引人的

例句:These discoveries raise intriguing questions. 这些发现带来了非常有趣的问题。

hypothesis n. 假设,假说

例句:It would be pointless to engage in hypothesis before we have the facts. 在我们还没掌握事实的情况下瞎猜是毫无意义的。

negotiate v. 协商,洽谈

例句:The government will not negotiate with terrorists. 政府不会和恐怖分子谈判。

indicate v. 象征,表明

例句:Record profits in the retail market indicate a boom in the economy. 零售市场上有史以来的最高利润显示出经济的突飞猛进。

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