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雅思备考之雅思口语Part 3问题 Is it necessary for parents to read s […]


雅思备考之雅思口语Part 3问题 Is it necessary for parents to read stories to their children?



Yes, it is. Telling kids stories is very important. It is often quite difficult for children to read long passages in which some words that they are even not that familiar with. So, instead of letting them recognize and blurting it out, it is effective for parents to tell children what is happening in the book, and this is also a good way to stimulate their interest. Some might think it might hinder them from developing their reading skills, but in terms of making learning in a funny way, it is definitely a good method right?


这些题目都出自于阅读相关的雅思口语part 3问题,回顾雅思考官问的第一个问题: Which group would read more, young people or old people?

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雅思备考之雅思口语Part 3问题 Is it necessary for parents to read stories to their children?:等您坐沙发呢!


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