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剑桥雅思4 Test 4阅读Passage 2原文翻译 考古学的本质与目的 The Nature and Ai […]

剑桥雅思4 Test 4阅读Passage 2原文翻译 考古学的本质与目的 The Nature and Aims of Archaeology



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剑桥雅思4 Test 4阅读Passage 2答案解析 考古学的本质与目的

剑4 Test 4 Passage 2阅读原文翻译


Archaeology is partly the discovery of the treasures of the past, partly the careful work of the scientific analyst, partly the exercise of the creative imagination. It is toiling in the sun on an excavation in the Middle East, it is working with living Inuit in the snows of Alaska, and it is investigating the sewers of Roman Britain. But it is also the painstaking task of interpretation, so that we come to understand what these things mean for the human story. And it is the conservation of the world’s cultural heritage against looting and careless harm.



Archaeology, then, is both a physical activity out in the field, and an intellectual pursuit in the study or laboratory. That is part of its great attraction. The rich mixture of danger and detective work has also made it the perfect vehicle for fiction writers and film-makers, from Agatha Christie with Murder in Mesopotamia to Stephen Spielberg with Indiana Jones. However far from reality such portrayals are, they capture the essential truth that archaeology is an exciting quest- the quest for knowledge about ourselves and our past.

因此,考古学既是野外的体力活动,又是研究或实验室中的智力追求。这是其巨大吸引力的一部分。从阿加莎·克里斯蒂(Agatha Christie)的美索不达米亚的谋杀案到斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格(Stephen Spielberg)的印第安纳·琼斯(Indiana Jones),作为文章来自老烤鸭雅思危险和侦探工作的丰富混合体,它已经成为小说作家和电影制片人的理想工具。无论这些描述与现实相距多么远,它们都抓住了这一本质,即考古学是令人激动的探索,是对自己和我们过去的追求。


But how does archaeology relate to disciplines such as anthropology and history, that are also concerned with the human story? Is archaeology itself a science? And what are the responsibilities of the archaeologist in today’s world?



Anthropology, at its broadest, is the study of humanity – our physical characteristics as animals and our unique non-biological characteristics that we call culture. Culture in this sense includes what the anthropologist, Edward Tylor, summarised in 1871 as ‘knowledge, belief, art, morals, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society’. Anthropologists also use the term ‘culture’ in a more restricted sense when they refer to the ‘culture’ of a particular society, meaning the non-biological characteristics unique to that society, which distinguish it from other societies. Anthropology is thus a broad discipline – so broad that it is generally broken down into three smaller disciplines: physical anthropology, cultural anthropology and archaeology.

最广泛的人类学是对人类的研究-我们作为动物的身体特征以及我们称为文化的独特非生物学特征。从这个意义上讲,文化包括人类学家爱德华·泰勒(Edward Tylor)在1871年所概括的“知识,信仰,艺术,道德,风俗以及人类作为社会成员获得的任何其他能力和习惯”。人类学家在提及特定社会的“文化”时,也使用了更为狭义的术语“文化”,这意味着该社会所独有的非生物特征,将其与其他社会区分开来。因此,人类学是一门广泛的学科-如此广泛,以至于通常将其细分为三个较小的学科:自然人类学,文化人类学和考古学。


Physical anthropology, or biological anthropology as it is also called, concerns the study of human biological or physical characteristics and how they evolved. Cultural anthropology – or social anthropology – analyses human culture and society. Two of its branches are ethnography (the study at first hand of individual living cultures) and ethnology (which sets out to compare cultures using ethnographic evidence to derive general principles about human society).



Archaeology is the ‘past tense of cultural anthropology’. Whereas cultural anthropologists will often base their conclusions on the experience of living within contemporary communities, archaeologists study past societies primarily through their material remains – the buildings, tools, and other artefacts that constitute what is known as the material culture left over from former societies.



Nevertheless, one of the most important tasks for the archaeologist today is to know how to interpret material culture in human terms. How were those pots used? Why are some dwellings round and others square? Here the methods of archaeology and ethnography overlap. Archaeologists in recent decades have developed ‘ethnoarchaeology’, where, like ethnographers, they live among contemporary communities, but with the specific purpose of learning how such societies use material culture – how they make their tools and weapons, why they build their settlements where they do, and so on. Moreover, archaeology has an active role to play in the field of conservation. Heritage studies constitutes a developing field, where it is realised that the world’s cultural heritage is a diminishing resource which holds different meanings for different people.



If, then, archaeology deals with the past, in what way does it differ from history? In the broadest sense, just as archaeology is an aspect of anthropology, so too is it a part of history – where we mean the whole history of humankind from its beginnings over three million years ago. Indeed, for more than ninety-nine per cent of that huge span of time, archaeology- the study of past material culture – is the only significant source of information. Conventional historical sources begin only with the introduction of written records around 3000 BC in western Asia, and much later in most other parts of the world.



A commonly drawn distinction is between pre-history, i.e. the period before written records -and history in the narrow sense, meaning the study of the past using written evidence. To archaeology, which studies all cultures and periods, whether with or without writing, the distinction between history and pre-history is a convenient dividing line that recognises the importance of the written word, but in no way lessens the importance of the useful information contained in oral histories.



Since the aim of archaeology is the understanding of humankind, it is a humanistic study, and since it deals with the human past, it is a historical discipline. But it differs from the study of written history in a fundamental way. The material the archaeologist finds does not tell us directly what to think. Historical records make statements, offer opinions and pass judgements. The objects the archaeologists discover, on the other hand, tell us nothing directly in themselves. In this respect, the practice of the archaeologist is rather like that of the scientist, who collects data, conducts experiments, formulates a hypothesis, tests the hypothesis against more data, and then, in conclusion, devises a model that seems best to summarise the pattern observed in the data. The archaeologist has to develop a picture of the past, just as the scientist has to develop a coherent view of the natural world.


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