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剑桥雅思4 Test 4阅读Passage 2答案解析 考古学的本质与目的 The Nature and Ai […]

剑桥雅思4 Test 4阅读Passage 2答案解析 考古学的本质与目的 The Nature and Aims of Archaeology

这篇雅思阅读的14道题目由6道YES/NO/NOT GIVEN,两道5选2的多选,以及4道总结性填空构成。难度与上一篇相差不远。不过因为最后的总结填空直接限定了文章最后两段这一范围,因此相对要简单一些。下面是具体每道题目的答案解析:


雅思真题阅读词汇 剑桥雅思4 test 4 passage 2 考古学介绍

剑桥雅思4 Test 4阅读Passage 2原文翻译 考古学的本质与目的

剑4 Test 4 Passage 2阅读答案解析


对应原文:第1段:Archaeology is partly the discovery of the treasures of the past, partly the careful work of the scientific analyst, partly the exercise of the creative imagination

解析:题干上的这句话相当于是原文的精简,creativity与creative imagination对应,investigative work与the work of the scientific analyst对应。因为判断为YES

第15题答案:NOT GIVEN


解析:阅读原文中完全没有提到过考古学家应该具备的能力,更没有说需要翻译古代的文本。因此判断为NOT GIVEN


对应原文:第2段:The rich mixture of danger and detective work has also made it the perfect vehicle for fiction writers and film-makers … However far from reality such portrayals are

解析:文章中确实提到电影的事情,但后面的说明是,这些描述与现实相去深远,只是抓住了本质而已。这与题干中所说的realistic picture完全相反,因此判断答案为NO


对应原文:第4段: Culture in this sense includes what the anthropologist, Edward Tylor, summarised in 1871 as ‘knowledge, belief, art, morals, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society’. Anthropologists also use the term ‘culture’ in a more restricted sense when they refer to the ‘culture’ of a particular society, meaning the non-biological characteristics unique to that society


第18题答案:NOT GIVEN


解析:文章虽然确实提到了考古学和人类学,但并没有比较两者野外工作的难度,属于完全没有提到的知识点,因此判断答案为NOT GIVEN


对应原文:第8段:Conventional historical sources begin only with the introduction of written records around 3000 BC in western Asia, and much later in most other parts of the world.



对应原文:第4段:Anthropology is thus a broad discipline – so broad that it is generally broken down into three smaller disciplines: physical anthropology, cultural anthropology and archaeology.

解析:选项中的subdivided与原文中的broken down对应,因此判断D为答案。


对应原文:第5段:Physical anthropology, or biological anthropology as it is also called, concerns the study of human biological or physical characteristics and how they evolved.

解析:题干中的human evolutionary patterns与原文中的how they evolved对应,因此判断E为答案。


对应原文:第7段:one of the most important tasks for the archaeologist today is to know how to interpret material culture in human terms…Why are some dwellings round and others square?

解析:根据考古学家的任务这一内容定位到第7段,发现C选项中的shape与原文中的round和square对应,domestic buildings与dwellings对应,因此判断C为答案。


对应原文:第7段:with the specific purpose of learning how such societies use material culture – how they make their tools and weapons

解析:选项中几乎所有的信息点都可以在原文中找到对应,因此确定D为答案。而A选项的diet,B选项的cave Art,以及E选项的climate changes都没有提到,所以均排除。

第24题答案:oral histories

对应原文:第9段:the distinction between history and pre-history is a convenient dividing line that recognises the importance of the written word, but in no way lessens the importance of the useful information contained in oral histories.

解析:题目要求直接将搜索范围缩小到了最后两段,根据written records定位到具体句子,valuable跟importance对应,因此确定答案为oral histories

第25题答案:humanistic study

对应原文:第10段:Since the aim of archaeology is the understanding of humankind, it is a humanistic study, and since it deals with the human past, it is a historical discipline

解析:顺着上一道题目往下,根据25题和26题的并列关系可以很容易的确定答案为humanistic study.

第26题答案:historical discipline




对应原文:第10段:The objects the archaeologists discover, on the other hand, tell us nothing directly in themselves. In this respect, the practice of the archaeologist is rather like that of the scientist


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剑桥雅思4 Test 4阅读Passage 2答案解析 The Nature and Aims of Archaeology:目前有3 条评论

  1. 0楼

    :neutral: 呜呜我太傻了,不会啊

    2022-08-02 17:07 [回复]
    • 伐伐伐

      我也不会 哈哈哈哈

      2022-08-03 22:15 [回复]
  2. 0楼


    2023-06-27 16:23 [回复]


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