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2018年11月3日雅思考试答案澳大利亚卷 不知道各位在澳大利亚参加雅思考试的同学感觉如何?老烤鸭小编根据网上 […]






Section 2 介绍动物园工作的情况


11.  what did John do as a kid with his mother?

C. looking after an injured baby kangaroo

12. John’s knowledge about animals largely comes from

B. learned from colleagues

13. John’s main responsibility for the first job in the zoo is to

B. feed animals

14. What does John think it the most enjoyable part of his work in the zoon?

B. saving the injured animals

15. What does John think is the most important part of his work in the zoo?

B. plan the shows

16. What is the main role of a zoo?

B. education visitors

17-20 填空题

17. he suggested that children who are interested in this field can do relevant part time job

18. feed animals first to gain experience

19. he suggested students not learn… but the business course

20. learn from senior colleagues

Section 3 讨论论文的问题


21-24 匹配题

21. Assignment introduction:

C. full prepared

22. Body structure:

D. use existing overview version

23. Methods technology:

B. too long

24. Conclusion:

A. need more examples

25-27 填空题

25. The woman wants to set a listening task for presentation

26. Man speakers can be divided to discuss as a group.

27. practice taking notes.

28-30 多选题

What should be put emphasis on presentation’s conclusion?

C. chat room

E. improve computer skills

F. global access

Section 4 红海海参


31-40 填空

31. feed on plants.

32. covered in spines that protect it.

33. Regarded to be the pest.

34. Asia was an important market.

35. Scientific interest: because of the decline in the urchin population

36. When it dies, no evidence of aging.

37. Maximum of lifespan: up to 200 years old.

38. After 22 years old, grow 0.1 cm per year.

39. Can still breed and grow

40. the growth is unconnected to ocean conditions



Section 1 各种酒店的比较


1-6 匹配

1. Sea view: B. star hotel

2. Disable access: D. all the three

3. Choice of food: A. royal hotel

4. Private dining room: A. royal hotel

5. Group discount: C. Winchester hotel

6. Undercover playground: B. Star hotel

7-10 填空题

7. send a deposit to hotel.

8. Make invitations

9. need help with transport.

10. Do not send any present.

Section 2 学校艺术活动


11-16 单句填空

11. morning program: we organize a classroom tour

12. then go to watch the statements making the video.

13-14. two strengths of school: music and mathematics

15. Then in the afternoon, there was an activity: tea and coffee to treat parents.

16. Lunch time activites: chess club

17-20 表格填空

17. report on the previous school

18. January

19. Academic

20. 650 pounds

Section 3: 环境项目讨论


21-24 单选题

21. When since organization improved environment?

A. natural resource was regulated by law

22. What is the background of this programme

C. educational purposes

23. The report indicates that:

B. teachers and students have benefited from the field trips

24. What is the material which was already produced mainly for?

A. special for students

25-30 多选题

25-26. The presentation should cover the information of

B. introduce the use of equipment

E. reserving rules

27-28. What are the benefits of the activity?

A. achieved punctuality

B. students become more confident

29-30 what will the women do in the rest of time

C. interview some teachers

D. participate in the group activity


2018年9-12月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part1答案

2018年9-12月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part2答案




There are more workers to work from home and more students to study from home. This is because the computer technology is more and more easily accessible and cheaper. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

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