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雅思写作大作文范文 雅思写作讨论双方观点 国家文化受他国影响 今天我们雅思写作大作文范文的文章来研究下一个国家 […]


雅思写作大作文范文 雅思写作讨论双方观点 国家文化受他国影响



Due to the effects of globalization, the cultures of some countries are influenced by others. Some people think this is a natural process. Others think this is a threat to cultural identity. What is your opinion about this?



Globalization is sweeping all the differences and boundaries among nations. The buzzword globalization refers to freeing up of markets, free flow of goods and information and as a result, the traditional barriers among nations are gradually breaking down and the world is becoming closer in terms of cultural and economic relations. So as a natural process, the culture of different countries are blending together and a country is adopting foreign cultures faster than ever.


In recent years some countries are experiencing rapid cultural changes and the culture of a dominating country is being adopted by the people of other countries. For instance, due to the spread of Indian TV channels and their Bombay-centric flamboyant Hindi cultures, many SAARC countries are on the verge of losing their century-old cultural uniqueness. Interestingly, Indian culture is also being influenced by more dominating Hollywood.


In the age of globalization, countries are seeking greater cooperation and the spirit is a greater flow of commodities, information, and people across the borders of different countries. This translation is from Laokaoya website. Mass media and technology have played an even greater role in promoting the norm of globalization and people these days are aware of the cultural presence of other countries. The tourist influx in different countries is creating a mix cultural global village where no country is unique, rather they all have a mixed-culture.


Some people treat this as a natural process while others take it as a threat to their own cultural identity. I personally believe that cultures are dynamic and living phenomena. Culture, what we know today, was different in the past and that is why we should not be too much wary of changes. Even before globalization swept in, we started celebrating the 31st December and the Valentine’s Day, which is completely foreign to our culture. This is the era of free information exchange and if we stop international cooperation for the sake of our cultural identity, our progress would stop overnight.


In conclusion, the free trade and global market is such a powerful concept that it cannot be stopped anymore. Keeping the window of progress is better than keeping them close even if this means inheriting foreign cultures.



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