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点击查看2018年9-12月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part2答案

2018年1-4月雅思口语Part 2话题卡已经悄悄出炉。2018年,新的一年,the year of the dog。算算雅思进入中国已经29个年头了。希望各位雅思烤鸭能踏着新年的开端,在英文学习和雅思备考道路上取得新的突破!老烤鸭会在各位的雅思备考路上一直陪伴着大家。有什么不懂的问题,请尽管留言给老烤鸭的老师们,我们会给你解答英语学习中的疑惑。有备考方面的体会、努力付出后取得的成绩和在此过程中的感悟也请一并将分享给老烤鸭。老烤鸭会坚持不断为大家提供实在、原创、权威、可靠的备考指导,我们始终努力坚持做雅思培训行业内的一股清流!


2018年1-4月雅思口语Part 2话题卡Part two题库整理如下(点击题目即可查看最全解析和参考答案):

Part 1话题请点击2018年1-4月雅思口语Part 1话题Part one题库解析查看。


Describe a businessman you admire 敬佩的商人

Describe someone who is a good parent 优秀的父母

Describe an interesting person from another country 有趣的外国人

Describe someone who is knowledgeable 知识渊博的某人

Describe a popular person 描述一个受欢迎的人

Describe a famous athlete you know 描述一个你认识 的著名运动员


Describe an interesting place that few people know 鲜为人知的地方

Describe a place you know where people go to listen to music (such as a theatre or a music hall) 听音乐的地方

Describe a public park or garden 公共公园或花园

Describe a public place that you think needs improvements 描述一个你认为需要改善、提高的公共场所

Describe a country or city that you would like to live or work in the future 描述一个未来你想要工作/居住的一座国家/城市

Describe an important river/areas of water in your country 描述重要的河流或水域

Describe a place where you often visit with your friends or family 描述经常与朋友或者家人去的一个地方


Describe a (long) car journey you went on 汽车旅行

Describe an experience that you taught a friend or a relative 教授朋友或者亲戚的经历

Describe an achievement that you are proud of 引以为豪的成就

Describe an occasion where somebody gave you positive suggestions 积极的建议

Describe something or activity you do to stay healthy 保持健康的活动

Describe a time you felt happy that you used your cellphone 因使用手机而高兴

Describe a (good) decision someone made 良好的决定

Describe something you learned in a place or from someone 描述一个你从一个地方或者一个人那里学到的东西

Describe a time when someone visited your home 描述一次别人拜访你家的经历

Describe a situation when you had to be polite 不得不礼貌的经历

Describe a special day that you went out but didn’t spend much money 在外度过的特殊的一天(特别的外出),并且没有花费很多的钱

Describe a historical period that you are interested in  感兴趣的一段历史时期

Describe a good service you received 受到的良好服务

Describe an important skill which cannot be learned at school 无法在学校里学到的重要技能

Describe a memorable story told by someone 别人说的难忘的故事

Describe something you enjoy doing with an old person in your family 喜欢和家里老人做的事情

Describe a time that you were late 某次迟到的经历

Describe a time that you saved money for something 为某事省钱的经历

Describe an important event that you celebrated 你庆祝的一件重要事项

Describe an occasion when you helped a person 帮助别人的情景


Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree 赞同或者不赞同的学校规矩

Describe a dream home you would like to have 理想的家

Describe a subject of science that you learned in secondary/high school 高中学习的自然科目

Describe something you bought that you were happy with 很高兴买到的物品

Describe a piece of furniture  一件家具

Describe a leisure facility (cinema, theater, sports center) you would like to have in your hometown 家乡的休闲设施

Describe an advertisement (that you saw or heard or liked) 广告

Describe a traditional product in your country 国家的传统产品

Describe an important letter you received 重要信件

Describe an exciting book you have read 令人兴奋的书

Describe something you bought according to an advertisement 根据广告而买的某样物品

Describe your favorite season of the year 描述一年中喜欢的季节

Describe a toy you had in your childhood 描述一件儿时/童年玩过的玩具

Describe a TV program  描述一个电视节目

Describe a good photo of you taken by someone 别人给你拍的好照片

Describe an unusual meal you had 不同寻常的一餐

Describe a piece of technology (not computer-related) you like to use 喜欢使用的一件科技产品(与电脑无关)










07/04/2018 A+G 19/03/2018 28/03/2018 20/04/2018
14/04/2018 A 26/03/2018 04/04/2018 27/04/2018
21/04/2018 A+G 02/04/2018 11/04/2018 04/05/2018
26/04/2018 A 09/04/2018 16/04/2018 09/05/2018
05/05/2018 A 16/04/2018 25/04/2018 18/05/2018
12/05/2018 A+G 23/04/2018 02/05/2018 25/05/2018
19/05/2018 A 30/04/2018 09/05/2018 01/06/2018
24/05/2018 A+G 07/05/2018 14/05/2018 06/06/2018
02/06/2018 A+G 14/05/2018 23/05/2018 15/06/2018
07/06/2018 A 21/05/2018 28/05/2018 20/06/2018
23/06/2018 A 04/06/2018 13/06/2018 06/07/2018
30/06/2018 A+G 11/06/2018 20/06/2018 13/07/2018
07/07/2018 A+G 15/06/2018 27/06/2018 20/07/2018
19/07/2018 A 02/07/2018 09/07/2018 01/08/2018
21/07/2018 A 02/07/2018 11/07/2018 03/08/2018
28/07/2018 A+G 09/07/2018 18/07/2018 10/08/2018
02/08/2018 A+G 16/07/2018 23/07/2018 15/08/2018
11/08/2018 A 23/07/2018 01/08/2018 24/08/2018
18/08/2018 A+G 30/07/2018 08/08/2018 31/08/2018
25/08/2018 A 06/08/2018 15/08/2018 07/09/2018
08/09/2018 A+G 20/08/2018 29/08/2018 21/09/2018
13/09/2018 A 27/08/2018 03/09/2018 26/09/2018
15/09/2018 A+G 27/08/2018 05/09/2018 28/09/2018
29/09/2018 A+G 10/09/2018 19/09/2018 24/10/2018
11/10/2018 A 18/09/2018 01/10/2018 24/10/2018
13/10/2018 A+G 18/09/2018 03/10/2018 26/10/2018
20/10/2018 A 26/09/2018 10/10/2018 02/11/2018
27/10/2018 A+G 08/10/2018 17/10/2018 09/11/2018
01/11/2018 A+G 15/10/2018 22/10/2018 14/11/2018
3/11/2018 A 15/10/2018 24/10/2018 16/11/2018
10/11/2018 A+G 22/10/2018 31/10/2018 23/11/2018
17/11/2018 A 29/10/2018 07/11/2018 30/11/2018
01/12/2018 A+G 12/11/2018 21/11/2018 14/12/2018
08/12/2018 A 19/11/2018 28/11/2018 21/12/2018
13/12/2018 A 26/11/2018 03/12/2018 26/12/2018
15/12/2018 A+G 26/11/2018 05/12/2018 28/12/2018


1.关于雅思考试的报考种类,是UKVI还是什么G什么A来着❓如果脑子还是一片雾水的烤鸭们不妨参考一下这个技术贴:雅思考试报哪个 多少钱?




3.关于雅思考试报考使用什么身份证件可以考呢?- 可以使用身份证、护照报名,但一定要留意一下自己身份证啊护照啊没过期,要是过期就囧了😶,到时候只能干等在考场外,再顺便问问工作人员可否送根2000多块的橡皮擦和笔 :grin:





最一手的2018年1-4月雅思口语part 2话题卡和最精准的雅思考试时间表已经紧紧握在了手里,还不立马进入雅思备考状态,快来把老烤鸭的真题和资料学习个遍,压压惊。 :idea:

本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/1885.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

2018年1-4月雅思口语Part 2话题卡Part two题库解析:等您坐沙发呢!


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